Saturday, April 9, 2011

Another week, more adventures!

This has been quite the week.  Brian resumed work on the 3 season room.  He spent Sunday-Thursday working on it with various helpers.  I'm really glad it's done, but man, did it exhaust me!  I felt like a single mom....working all day, coming home and picking up Curtis, making dinner, cleaning up after dinner, (all while chasing after a very active 14 month old) and then trying to have some quality time with the little guy.  Of course, he just wanted to be out with his daddy.  The weather was awful, though, and it was just too cold for him.  The whole time the guys were working I was trying to play the distraction game.  I think I lost more than I won!!  By the time I put Curtis to bed at 8 or so, then spent some more time picking up and doing laundry (still jealous of my sister's machine), I was pooped!!  My grad class stuff just didn't get done during the week.  It did make me appreciate Brian's help more.  The room is just about finished.  There's a little more touch up painting that needs done and then it just needs reassembled.  Eventually this weather has to warm up so we can use it!! 

Brian has many strengths, but planning ahead is not always one of them.  On Tuesday morning, we took the car to work, as always.  However, he forgot that he needed to stop at Menards to pick up some really long pieces of wood.  The result?  Opening the back windows, sliding them in and through to the front seat.  Where did that leave me??  Wedged in the backseat between two car seats.  The space for my butt was about 2 inches smaller than the width of my hips/butt.  A seatbelt was impossible to use (I absolutely HATED that), but I decided that even in an accident, I was wedged down so tightly that I couldn't go anywhere.  It was so bad I lost circulation in my butt halfway home!!  I think pictures are in order,,,,, 

Wednesday morning Curtis woke up screaming.  Normally I have to bribe him to wake up by promising to take him to Rachel's house!!  I took his temp, and it was 101.  Brian stayed home with him.  I really wish I could have, but my 8 sick days must be conserved for maternity leave!  The little guy is so independent and hates to be cuddled....unless he's sick.  I hate seeing him sick, but the silver lining is I get cuddle time!!  After a visit to the doctor, we found out he has ANOTHER ear infection.  Ugh.  I'm so sick of those already!  Round 3 of antibiotics.  Luckily he's so awesome about taking them.  Thursday, I was in the kitchen measuring it out while he was playing in the other room.  I said, "Curtis, come take your medicine" and right away he toddled out and opened his mouth.  He always seems to want more!  We must have had the ones that don't have an awful taste.  This one is causing the diarrhea I'd heard about, though.  He had cheese this morning with his breakfast in an attempt to counteract this problem!!  On a positive note, he's feeling much better.  He already seems back to his normal self. 

I'm always amazed at how he plays.  He never stops moving.  He loves crawling under our dining room table and under the chairs.  He must think it's a jungle gym!  He was just squealing and laughing and smiling as I was playing peek a boo and making faces at him.  What fun!!!  I love Saturday mornings when you can hang out in PJs and just have fun! 

The jabbering continues.  He's saying "Wow" and "Wa" a lot more and he's working on the B sound.  Otherwise no major developments.  I have decided he's definitely his daddy's son, because he sure can snore!!  One funny moment of the week was one night after supper, he opened his mouth and this huge burp came out.  We both had a good laugh about that! 

We had spaghetti one night this week. 

Who wants to take a bath? 

I've probably wasted enough time now blogging when I should be doing many other more productive things (showering, cleaning, dishes, and homework all come to mind).  Off to be semi-productive until Curtis wakes up from his nap! 

1 comment:

  1. First off, the pics are hilarious! I have to give it to Brian, his ingenuity and persistence to get it home will pay off! LOL Still love that spaghetti face too!!!
